BLESS EVERY HOME began in Kansas City in 1996 as a result of a Cru campaign to distribute the Jesus Film to every household in the city! Today this ministry of Mapping Center for Evangelism and Church Growth has the goal that, by the end of 2020, every home in America will be adopted by neighboring Christians who are committed to being a Light in their neighborhoods through praying for, caring for, sharing the gospel with, and discipling their neighbors.

You can sign up as an individual or as a church. When you sign up you learn the names of your neighbors on an easy to use map, and are able to track your relationship with them on an app or on the website. You also can receive daily emails with the names of 5 neighbors to pray for or care for that day.
As a church, you can encourage your members to sign up as well, and you are able to learn more about your church’s immediate community to pray for , care for and share with them. Churches can also receive free outreach materials such as the Jesus Film on DVD in 8 languages.