“And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place…” Acts 17:26
Between 1997 and 2017, over 2,000 refugees were settled in the Roanoke region, with more arriving each month. Refugees are those fleeing danger and persecution because of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion. Other categories of immigrants include asylum seekers, Afghan Special Immigrant Visa recipients, and humanitarian parolees, all of whom are also in need of help and community.
As the body of Christ, we can show hospitality to our new neighbors through providing rental housing, donating furnishings, and building relationships. The Good Neighbor Program at Friendship House has several transitional housing units and prepares Good Neighbor Teams to befriend and serve these families.
What We Offer
Opportunities to connect with and help refugee families
Training for working with refugee families
Presentations and simulations about the refugee experience
English learners
“For I was a stranger and you welcomed me…” ~ Matthew 25:35
Over 3,000 of our neighbors in the Roanoke Valley don’t speak English well or at all (US Census Bureau data 2019). We have the opportunity to help through English programs for speakers of other languages (ESOL).
We help churches plan and run English programs to reach their neighbors. We also offer training for those who want to use English as a ministry tool; as long as you speak English and love Jesus, we can teach you the rest! Check out our Events Calendar to see if we have a training coming up, or contact us to schedule one at your church.
We also connect individuals to existing opportunities for English ministry in the region at other churches and ministries.

international students
“Show hospitality to one another without grumbling.” ~ 1 Peter 4:9
Did you know that 80% of international students will never step foot inside an American home?
We connect international students from a local college’s intensive English program with individuals and families who want to get to know them. Whether you meet weekly to practice English, invite them over for dinner once in awhile, or share a Thanksgiving or Christmas meal, your friendship can make a big impact on a student.
Header image by Epic Images from Pixabay